RQT631217Advanced operations[RAM] [DVD-V] [VCD]SP: (Dolby Digital, DTS, LPCM, 2-channel or over only)HP: (Dolby Digital, LPCM, 2-channel or over only)Use ADVANCED SURROUND V.S.S. (Virtual Surround Sound) to enjoy asurround-like effect if you are using 2 front speakers (SP) or headphones(HP). (To enjoy HP-V.S.S., connect the unit to equipment that has aheadphone jack.)If you are playing a disc with surround effects recorded on it, the effect isbroadened and sound seems to come from virtual speakers on either side.Press [A.SRD].Each time you press the button:[# SP1/HP1: Natural effectl ;l SP2/HP2: Emphasized effectl ;{= SP OFF/HP OFF: Cancel (Factory preset)To change the mode:[2] ➡ [3, 4] to select “SP” or “HP”Optimum seating positionOWhen using the television’sspeakersNDistance AlTelevision’s width[Note]≥ADVANCED SURROUND will not work, or will have less effect with somediscs.≥Turn off the surround sound effects on the equipment you haveconnected when using this effect.≥Turn ADVANCED SURROUND off if it causes distortion.≥Even if three or more speakers are connected, output from this unit willbe in stereo (two channels) when ADVANCED SURROUND is on.≥Turn ADVANCED SURROUND off when using Dolby Pro Logic. DolbyPro Logic will not work correctly if it is on.[XP30][DVD-V] [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3]Turn BASS PLUS on when you have connected an active subwoofer to theSUBWOOFER terminal on the rear of the unit (➡ page 7).Press [BASS].Each time you press the button:[# 2: Emphasized bass effectl ;l OFFl ;{= 1: Natural bass effect (Factory preset)[Note]≥Turn BASS PLUS off when using Dolby Pro Logic. Dolby Pro Logic willnot work correctly if it is on.You can change the quality of the picture and audio to suit the material youare playing.[XP50] Press [CINEMA].[RAM] [DVD-A] [DVD-V] [VCD]Each time you press the button:[# Cinema 1: Mellows images and enhances detail in dark scenes.l ;l Cinema 2: Sharpens images and enhances detail in dark scenes.l ;{= Normal: Normal mode (Factory preset)[XP30] Press [CINEMA/CONCERT].Each time you press the button:[# Cinema: [DVD-V] [VCD]l l Mellows images and enhancesl u detail in dark scenes.l Concert: [DVD-V] [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3]l l Enhance detail in dark scenes, suppress brightness andl u add power to sound when watching live performances.{= Normal: Normal mode (Factory preset)For your reference≥You can make finer adjustments to the picture if desired (➡ page 20,Picture Menu).≥[XP30] Turn on the attenuator if sound output from the speakers (twochannels) is distorted while “Concert” is on (➡ page 19, Audio Menu).[DVD-V](Dolby Digital, DTS, 3-channel or over, where the dialogue isrecorded in the center channel)This makes the dialogue in movies easier to hear.Press [D.ENH].Each time you press the button:ON(——)OFF (Factory preset)[Note]DIALOGUE ENHANCER will not work or will have less effect with somediscs.[XP30]This feature allows you to reselect the settings you made for ADVANCEDSURROUND, BASS PLUS, CINEMA/CONCERT and DIALOGUEENHANCER with one button press.[Putting\the\settings\into\memory]After making the settingsPress and hold [ONE TOUCH MEMORY].“[M]” lights.The settings remain in the memory even if youturn the unit off.[Recalling\the\settings]Press [ONE TOUCH MEMORY].“[M]” lights.To cancelPress [ONE TOUCH MEMORY] to turn it off and return the settings for thefeatures to the factory preset.≥ADVANCED SURROUND: SP OFF/HP OFF≥BASS PLUS: 1≥CINEMA/CONCERT: Normal≥DIALOGUE ENHANCER: OFF“[M]” goes out if you press any of the other buttons to change the settings.ADVANCED SURROUNDBASS PLUSSP 1A Speaker3 to 4 timesdistance ASeating positionSpeaker1CINEMA/CONCERTDIALOGUE ENHANCERONE TOUCH CINEMA MEMORYCinema1 Cinema[XP50] [XP30]ON[RAM] [DVD-A]: [XP50] only