45RQT8906After performing steps 1–4, page 44§ Multiple editing is possible.[Note]≥Timer recordings do not start when performing “Add Pictures”, “Create Album”, “Copy to DVD-RAM” or “Copy to HDD”.≥You cannot perform “Add Pictures” or “Create Album” to a higher folder.Album and picture operationDelete Picture§Delete Album§[HDD] [RAM] [SD]Press [2, 1] to select “Delete” and press [OK].≥Once deleted, the recorded contents are lost and cannot be restored. Make certain beforeproceeding.≥When deleting an album, files other than the still picture files inside the album will also be deleted. (Thisdoes not apply to folders under the album concerned.)Enter Album Name[HDD] [RAM] [SD]You can give names to albums.(➡ 58, Entering text)≥Album names input using this unit may not be displayed on other equipment.Set up Protection§Cancel Protection§[HDD] [RAM] [SD]If set, this will protect the still picture or album from accidental deletion.Press [2, 1] to select “Yes” and press [OK].The lock symbol appears when the still picture or album is protected.≥Even if the protection setting is used by this unit to protect an album, the albummay be deleted by another unit.Add PicturesCreate Album[HDD] [RAM] [SD]1 Press [2, 1] to select “Start” or “Yes” and press [OK].2 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select the album that contains the still picture you wantto add and press [OK].[RAM] [SD]To switch to another higher folder1 Press [OPTION].2 Select “Select Folder” and press [OK].3 Press [2, 1] to select the higher folder and press [OK].3 Press [3, 4] to select the item and press [OK].≥If “Select pictures to copy” is selectedSelect the still picture you want to add and press [OK].≥If “Copy all pictures” is selectedAll the still pictures in the album will be copied.4 Press [2, 1] to select “Yes” or “No” and press [OK].≥If you want to continue copying, select “Yes” and go to step ➁.Only for “Create Album”5 Press [2, 1] to select “Yes” or “No” and press [OK].≥If “Yes” is selected:You can give names to albums. (➡ 58, Entering text)≥If “No” is selected:The recording date of the first picture in the album becomes the album name. (If there is no recordingdate information, the date will appear as [--.--.----].)Copy to DVD-RAM[HDD]Copy to HDD[RAM]Press [2] to select “Start” and press [OK].You cannot copy if multiple albums are selected.DIRECT NAVIGATOR PicSD CARD0001Album Name 103__00020005 0006Create AlbumPrevious Page 02/02 Next12. 6.06 Total 312. 5.06 Total 24101_DVD100_DVD007 008 - - -- - -- - -- - -HDDRETURNOK Previous NextStep 1 2 3 4Please select album to copy.e.g.,Copy all picturesSelect pictures to copyWhich pictures to copy from the selected album?OK RETURNSELECTCreate Albume.g.,Editing still pictures[EH67]