20RQT8859STEP 2 Channel reception settings and TV aspect settings1 Turn on the television and select theappropriate AV input to suit theconnections to this unit.2 Press [Í DVD] to turn the unit on.DVB Auto-Setup starts. The unit will search for the terrestrialdigital channels.This takes about 5 minutes.≥Terrestrial digital channels are stored into logical channelsnumbers.≥Analogue channels are preset at the time of shipping. If youwould like to add new TV channels, set them manually(➡ 71).DVB Auto-Setup is complete when Time Zone setting screenappears.The time information for your region can be obtained.≥If the clock setting screen is displayed (➡ right).3 Press [3, 4] to select your area andpress [OK].4 Press [3, 4] to select the TV aspectand press [OK].≥16:9: When connected to a 16:9 widescreentelevision.≥Pan & Scan: When connected to a 4:3 aspect television,side picture is trimmed for 16:9 picture (➡ 85).≥Letterbox: When connected to a 4:3 aspect television.16:9 picture is shown in the letterbox style(➡ 85).To stop partwayPress [RETURN].In step 2, if the clock setting screen appears on the television, setthe clock manually.This is a 24-hour clock.1 Press [2, 1] to select the item you want to change and press[3, 4] to change the setting.The items change as follows:Hour!#Minute!#Second!#Day!#Month!#Year^-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J≥You can also use the numbered buttons for setting.2 Press [OK] when you have finished the settings.TV aspect setting screen (➡ above) appears.(➡ Go to step 4)STATUSREC MODERECMANUAL SKIPCREATECHAPTERFUNCTIONMENUDIRECTNAVIGATORGUIDERETURNPLAY/x1.3PAUSESTOPSLOW/SEARCHSKIPCHPAGESELECTINPUT0987654321CHAVÍTVDRIVESELECTÍDVDVOLDELETEEXITOKOPTIONANALOGUECHG-CodeAUDIO DISPLAYTIME SLIP PROG/CHECKÍ DVDRETURN3,4,2,1OKREC OPEN / CLOSEÍ/ lNumberedbuttonsDVB Auto-SetupPlease wait! Ch 6 69Prog. QualityChannel Service Name Net ID TS IDRETURNRETURN: to cancelABCABC 23523541212302 1228912302 1228999Time ZoneOK RETURNSELECTQueenslandNSW / ACTVictoriaSouth AustraliaWestern AustraliaNorthern TerritoryTasmaniaWhen clock setting screen is displayed∫ To confirm that stations have been tunedcorrectly (➡ 69)∫ To restart set up (➡ 72)TV Aspect16:9Pan & ScanLetterbox16:9 WIDE TV4:3 TVOK RETURNSELECTClockTime Date0 : 00 : 00 1 . 1 . 2007Please set the clock.OK: access RETURN: leave0 9NumberOK RETURNSELECTCHANGE