56RQT8857Accessing the Management MenusTipsTo return to the previous screenPress [RETURN].To exit the screenPress [EXIT].[RAM] [-R] [-R]DL] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+R]DL] [+RW]You can give a name for the disc.Perform preparation steps − of “Accessing theManagement Menus” (¼ above). Press [, ] to select “Disc Name”, then press[OK].Entering Text (¼ 44).Tips The disc name is displayed in the DVD Managementwindow. With finalised discs and +RW created Top Menu, thename is displayed on the Top Menu.[RAM]Use to prevent accidental erasure of disc.Perform preparation steps − of “Accessing theManagement Menus” (¼ above). Press [, ] to select “Disc Protection”, then press[OK]. Press [] to select “Yes”, then press [OK].Protection of cartridge disc[RAM] (With a cartridge)With the write-protect tab in the protectposition, you cannot record to, edit, format, orerase from the disc.Naming DiscsSetting ProtectionPreparation: [RAM] Release protection (disc, cartridge, ¼ below). Insert a disc.Notes Deleting does not work if one or more titles are protected.Formatting DiscsDeleting All TitlesNotes Do not disconnect the AC mains lead while formatting.This can render the disc unusable. When a disc has been formatted using this unit, it may notbe possible to use it on any other equipment. [-R] [-R]DL] Formatting cannot be performed. [-RW‹V›] [-RW‹VR›] You can format only as DVD-Videoformat on this unit. [RAM[ Pressing [RETURN] during format will cancel theprocess.The disc must be reformatted if you do this. [RAM[ The disc cannot be formatted if the write protecttab (¼ left) is switched to “PROTECT”. Release theprotection to continue. The message “Unable to format” appears when trying toformat discs the unit cannot use.You can delete all titles on the single-sided DVD-RAM at once.Important: Once deleted, contents cannot be recovered.[RAM]Perform preparation steps − of “Accessing theManagement Menus” (¼ left). Press [, ] to select “Delete all titles”, then press[OK]. Press [] to select “Yes”, then press [OK]. Press [] to select “Start”, then press [OK].– A message appears when deleting is finished. Press [OK] to complete.[RAM[ [-RW‹V›] [+RW] [-RW‹VR›][+R] [+R]DL] (New disc only)Formatting is the process of making media such as DVD-RAMrecordable on recording equipment.You can record or edit after formatting the fi nalised DVD-RW.Important: Once formatted, contents cannot be recovered.Perform preparation steps − of “Accessing theManagement Menus” (¼ left). Press [, ] to select “Format Disc”, then press[OK]. Press [] to select “Yes”, then press [OK]. Press [] to select “Start”, then press [OK].– Formatting starts ([RAM] may take up to a maximum of70 minutes).– A message appears when formatting is finished. Press [OK] to complete.With the unit stopped Press [DRIVE SELECT] to select the DVD drive. Press [FUNCTION MENU]. Press [, ] to select “To Others”, then press [OK].Disc Protection OffFUNCTION MENURecordingPlaybackCopyDeleteTo OthersOKRETURNDisc Protection OffFUNCTION MENURecordingPlaybackCopyDeleteTo OthersTV GuidePlaylistsFlexible RecDV Auto RecSetupDVD ManagementOKRETURNDVD-RAMDVD-RAM Press [, ] to select “DVD Management”, thenpress [OK].DVD ManagementYou can manage discs through formatting, fi nalising and otheroperations.