Editing videoVQT3C7745[HDD] [RAM]1 Select “Partial Delete” in “Edit”, thenpress [OK].2 Press [OK] at the start point and end pointto delete.≥Press [PLAY/a1.3 1] to start the playback when thetitle is paused.3 Select “Continue”, then press [OK].≥Select “Next”, then press [OK] to delete other sections.Up to 20 sections can be set. (> go to step 2)4 Select “Delete”, then press [OK].≥Chapter Mark is generated in the scene that waspartially deleted.5 Press [RETURN ].≥ You can find the desired point by using search or Time slip function, etc.≥ You cannot set points if they are too close to each other. You cannot setan end point before a start point.≥ This function cannot be used on encrypted titles ( ).[HDD] [RAM]1 Select “Divide Title” in “Edit”, then press[OK].2 Press [OK] at the point to divide the title.3 Select “Continue”, then press [OK].4 Select “Divide”, then press [OK].≥To confirm the division pointSelect “Preview”, then press [OK]. (The unit plays10 seconds before and after the division point.)≥To change the division pointRestart play and select “Divide”, then press [OK] at thedivision point.≥ Video and audio just before and after the division point may momentarilycut out.≥ [HDD] Divided titles form a group of titles.≥ You can find the desired point by using search or Time slip function, etc.≥ This function cannot be used on encrypted titles ( ).[HDD] [RAM] [DVD-R] [DVD-RW] [+R] [+RW]1 Select “Change Thumbnail” in “Edit”, thenpress [OK].2 Press [PLAY/a1.3 1] to start play.3 Press [OK] at the point to use as athumbnail.≥To change the pointRestart play and select “Change”, then press [OK] atthe point to change.4 Select “Finish”, then press [OK].≥ [DVD-R] [DVD-RW] [+R] [+RW] It is possible to change the image displayedon the Top Menu after finalising or creating Top Menu.≥ You can find the desired point by using search or Time slip function, etc.≥ This function cannot be used on encrypted titles ( ).[HDD]Programme type information in the title can be edited.1 Select “Change Prog.Type” in “Edit”, thenpress [OK].2 Select the item to change a programmetype, then press [OK].3 Select the programme type, then press[OK].4 Select “Set”, then press [OK].Partial deletingDividing titleStartNextContinue0:43.21EndStart End Please set the startpoint with playbackoperation and skip.OKRETURNDividePreviewContinue0:00.22DivideOKRETURNPLAYChanging thumbnailChanging programme type of titleChangeFinish0:00.22ChangeOKRETURNStart play and select the image ofa thumbnail.Select the item for prog.type change.OKRETURNMovieProg.Type 1( No Prog.Type )Prog.Type 2Set Cancel( No Prog.Type )Prog.Type 3Change Prog.Type