http://cxema.ruBASEBAND OVERVIEWMCUK990801G8 Section 6 Issue ATechnical Guide – 25 – Revision 06 BASEBAND OVERVIEW6.1 IntroductionThe main Baseband circuitry is located with the RF circuits on the Main PCB, while the baseband sub-circuits, comprising keysand LCD backlights, are located on the Keypad PCB.A metallised plastic chassis is used to separate the Main and the Keypad PCBs. The continuous chassis design is importantfor EMC purposes. When the chassis is sandwiched between the two PCB assemblies, the groundplane of the Keypad PCBtogether with the chassis forms an effective shielded enclosure, preventing spurious emissions.6.2 Functional Description of the PCBThe GD90 baseband is based around a two-chip GSM chipset developed by Texas Instruments. One chip (GEMINI) carriesout signal processing with DSP and CPU, and the other chip (VEGA3) contains the analogue interface chip. The highlyintegrated nature of these components means each contain a large number of functions.Figure 6.1: Baseband Block DiagramTEST &EMULATIONTEST &EMULATIONCPUCOREBURSTSTOREANTIALIASINGFILTERGMSKMOD8-BitI DAC8-BitQ DACDIFFENCODEXIOINTHnLVA_INTDAI RSTTSPACTAPIFARMCOREMICROWIREI/FSYSTEMSIMULATORDATAADAPTERTESTSETTESTMOBILESIMCARDVIBRATORMEMORYI/FTDMTIME-BASETPUTIMERBUZZERBACK-LIGHTKEYPADCLKM SLICERVOICEMEMOFLASH1M*16SRAM256K*8LCD EXTENDEDOUTPUT13MHzPOWER ON/OFFCONTROL &POWER SOURCEFAILURE CIRCUITRAPID CHARGE& BATTERYMONITORINGCIRCUITTRICKLECHARGECIRCUITJTAGEEPROM2K*8XIOROM&RAMJTAG PLL &CLOCKSIRQ API SPILEAD MegamoduleGEMINI VEGAUARTSIMI/F5VDC/DCCONVERTER+ LEVELSHIFTERI/OINTER PCB CONNECTORBATTERYINTER PCB CONNECTOR ACCESSORYCONNECTORACCESSORYCONNECTORIGNITIONnHF_SENSEnLOGIC_PWREXT_PWRBAT_IDBAT_VOLTCURRENTVSETBAT_TEMPVBATLPFLPFFILTERDSP SERIAL I/FINTER PCB CONNECTORSIGMA-DELTAANTIALIASINGFILTERFILTERMCUSERIAL I/FVOICEBANDSERIAL I/FSIGMA-DELTASIGMA-DELTAAPC(D/A)AFC(D/A)DAI SYSTEMSIMULATORAGC(D/A) TESTINTERNAL REGISTERSBPF LPFSIGMA-DELTABPFSLICER 5 INPUT10-BIT A/DTX_AUDIORX_AUDIOULIULQDLIDLQPARAMPAFC10075-1