- 10 -on the control panel flashes whenthis feature is active.• If the overheating protection featureactivates, allow the driver to coolthoroughly (at least 30 minutes).The driver is ready for use when theoverheat warning lamp goes out.• Avoid using the driver in a way thatcauses the overheating protectionfeature to activate repeatedly.(3) Battery low warning lampOff(normaloperation)Flashing(No charge)Battery protectionfeature activeExcessive (complete) discharging oflithium ion batteries shortens theirservice life dramatically. The driverincludes a battery protection featured e s i g n e d t o p r e v e n t e x c e s s i v edischarging of the battery pack.• The battery protection feature acti-vates immediately before the bat-tery loses its charge, causing thebattery low warning lamp to flash.• If you notice the battery low warninglamp flashing, charge the batterypack immediately.Recommended GripUse the grip to hold and operate thedriver with one hand. If the job requiresadditional force, you can push againstthe rear end of the driver with yourother hand.[Battery Pack]For Appropriate Use of Battery packLiion Battery pack (EY9L40)• For optimum battery life, store theLi-ion battery pack following use with-out charging it.• The ambient temperature range isbetween 0°C (3°F) and 40°C (104°F).If the battery pack is used when the bat-tery temperature is below 0°C (3°F),the tool may fail to function properly.• When battery pack is not in use,keep it away from other metal objectslike: paper clips, coins, keys, nails,screws, or other small metal objectsthat can make a connection from oneterminal to another.Shorting the battery terminals togeth-er may cause sparks, burns or a fire.• When operating the battery pack,make sure the work place is well ven-tilated.• When the battery pack is removedfrom the main body of the tool, replacethe battery pack cover immediately inorder to prevent dust or dirt from con-taminating the battery terminals andcausing a short circuit.Battery Pack LifeThe rechargeable batteries have alimited life. If the operation time be-comes extremely short after recharg-ing, replace the battery pack with anew one.Battery RecyclingATTENTION:FOR Liion Battery Pack, EY9L40A Li-ion battery that is recyclable powersthe product you have purchased. Pleasecall 18008BATTERY for information onhow to recycle this battery.