- 14 -ENWARNING!• Be sure to attach the belt hook securelyto the main unit with the screw firmlyfastened. When the belt hook is notfirmly attached to the main unit, thehook may disconnect and the tool mayfall. This may result in an accident orinjury.• Periodically check screw for tightness.If found to be loose, tighten firmly.• Be sure to attach the belt hook firmlyand securely onto a waist belt or otherbelt. Pay attention that the tool doesnot slip off the belt. This may result inan accident or injury.• When the tool is held by the belt hook,avoid jumping or running with it. Doingso may cause the hook to slip and thetool may fall. This may result in anaccident or injury.• When the tool is hooked onto the waistbelt by the belt hook, do not attachdriver bits to the tool. A sharp edgeobject, such as a drill bit, may causeinjury or an accident.Warning Functions(1) Overheat WarningOff(normaloperation)Illuminated:Overheat(motor)Flashing:Overheat(battery)Indicates operation has been halted due tomotor or battery overheating.To protect the motor or battery, be sure tonote the following when carrying out thisoperation.• If the motor or battery becomes hot, theprotection function will be activated andthe motor or battery will stop operating.The overheat warning lamp on thecontrol panel illuminates or flashes whenthis feature is active.• If the overheating protection featureactivates, allow the tool to cool thorough-ly (at least 30 minutes). The tool is readyfor use when the overheat warning lampgoes out.• Avoid using the tool in a way that causesthe overheating protection feature toactivate repeatedly.• If the tool is operated continuously underhigh-load conditions or if it is used inhot-temperature conditions (such asduring summer), the overheating protec-tion feature may activate frequently.• If the tool is used in cold-temperatureconditions (such as during winter) or if itis frequently stopped during use, theoverheating protection feature may notactivate.The performance of the EY9L42 deterio-rates significantly at and below 10°C dueto work conditions and other factors.(2) Voltage Reduction WarningOne lamp flashingIf the tool is subject to a sudden loadduring use that causes the motor to lockup, the overdischarge prevention sensormay be triggered, and the battery lowwarning lamp may flash. The lamp willstop flashing once you address the causeof the motor’s locking up and cycle thetrigger.(3) Overload WarningIf the tool is subject to a sudden loadduring use that causes the motor to lockup, the overcurrent prevention sensor maybe triggered, the voltage reduction warn-ing lamp may illuminate and flash.(Bottom of it illuminates and middle andtop flashes.)The lamp will stop illuminating and flash-ing once you address the cause of themotor’s locking up and cycle the trigger.