6Regulatory InformationFor business users in the European UnionIf you wish to discard electrical and electronicequipment, please contact your dealer or supplierfor further information.[Information on Disposal in otherCountries outside the EuropeanUnion]These symbols are only valid in theEuropean Union. If you wish to discardthis product, please contact your localauthorities or dealer and ask for thecorrect method of disposal.Note for the battery symbol (bottomtwo symbol examples):This symbol might be used incombination with a chemical symbol.In this case it complies with therequirement set by the Directive for thechemical involved.53-E-1Safety Precautions forwireless WANThe following safety precautions must be observedduring all phases of the operation, usage, serviceor repair of any Tablet Computer incorporatingwireless WAN modem. Manufacturers of thecellular terminal are advised to convey thefollowing safety information to users and operatingpersonnel and to incorporate these guidelinesinto all manuals supplied with the product. Failureto comply with these precautions violates safetystandards of design, manufacture and intendeduse of the product. Panasonic assumes noliability for customer failure to comply with theseprecautions.When in a hospital or other health carefacility, observe the restrictions on theuse of mobiles. Switch Tablet Computerincorporating wireless WAN modem off,if instructed to do so by the guidelinesposted in sensitive areas. Medicalequipment may be sensitive to RFenergy.The operation of cardiac pacemakers,other implanted medical equipmentand hearing aids can be affected byinterference from Tablet Computerincorporating wireless WAN modemplaced close to the device. If in doubtabout potential danger, contact thephysician or the manufacturer of thedevice to verify that the equipment isproperly shielded. Pacemaker patientsare advised to keep their TabletComputer incorporating wireless WANmodem away from the pacemaker, whileit is on.Switch off Tablet Computerincorporating wireless WAN modembefore boarding an aircraft. Make sureit cannot be switched on inadvertently.The operation of wireless appliancesin an aircraft is forbidden to preventinterference with communicationssystems. Failure to observe theseinstructions may lead to the suspensionor denial of cellular services to theoffender, legal action, or both. Fordetails on usage of this unit in aircraftsplease consult and follow instructionprovided by the airline.Do not operate Personal Computeror Handheld Computer incorporatingwireless WAN modem in the presenceof flammable gases or fumes. Switch offthe cellular terminal when you are nearpetrol stations, fuel depots, chemicalplants or where blasting operations arein progress. Operation of any electricalequipment in potentially explosiveatmospheres can constitute a safetyhazard.Your Tablet Computer incorporatingwireless WAN modem receives andtransmits radio frequency energywhile switched on. Remember thatinterference can occur if it is usedclose to TV sets, radios, computersor inadequately shielded equipment.Follow any special regulations andalways switch off Tablet Computerincorporating wireless WAN modemwherever forbidden, or when yoususpect that it may cause interferenceor danger.Road safety comes first! Do not use aTablet Computer incorporating wirelessWAN modem while driving a vehicle.Do not place the computer with wirelessWAN modem in an area where it couldRead Me First