- 111 -∫ If AVCHD scenes do not change smoothly when played back onanother deviceThe images may be still for several seconds at the joins between the scenes if the followingoperations are performed when multiple scenes have been continuously played back using anotherunit.≥ Just how smoothly the scenes will be played back depends on the playback unit. Depending onthe unit used, the images may stop moving and become still for a moment even when none of thefollowing conditions are applicable.≥ A continuous recording of motion picture data that exceeds 4 GB may momentarily stop at every4 GB of data when played back with another device.≥ It may not play back smoothly when the editing of scenes was done with the HD Writer LE 2.0,but it will play back smoothly if you set the seamless settings in the HD Writer LE 2.0. Refer to theoperating instructions for the HD Writer LE 2.0.Principal reasons for not playing back smoothly≥ When the scenes were recorded on different dates≥ When scenes lasting under 3 seconds have been recorded≥ When PRE-REC was used for recording≥ When deleting scenes≥When selected scenes are copied between an SD card and the built-in memory≥ When scenes recorded more than 99 scenes on the same date