Tilt range121Range of visibility: 28°2Range of movement: 72°Information about sensor featuresThe camera unit has 3 sensor features: avisual sensor used for motion detection, atemperature sensor, and a sound sensor.Please read the following information abouteach sensor before deciding where to installthe camera unit.Note:R The camera unit’s sensor features are notdesigned to be used in situations thatrequire high reliability. We do notrecommend use of the sensor features inthese situations.R Panasonic takes no responsibility for anyinjury or damage caused by the use of thecamera unit’s sensor features.Using visible light to detect motionThe camera unit can detect motion byrecognizing changes in the brightness ofareas that are visible to the camera unit.Note:R The motion sensor does not function duringand for 5 seconds after pan/tilt operations.R Movement may be incorrectly detectedwhen the moving object and thebackground have similar colors.R Movement may be incorrectly detectedwhen there are sudden changes to theoverall brightness level, such as whenlights are turned on.R Detection becomes difficult when the imageis dark.R You can also adjust the sensitivity of thecamera unit’s motion detection feature andselect which areas of the camera image aremonitored for motion detection.Temperature sensorThe sensor is triggered when the settemperature range is exceeded.Note:R The temperature sensor may not detecttemperature accurately if the camera unit isexposed to warm or cool breezes fromheating/cooling systems.R If a power failure occurs or the power isdisconnected, the temperature will not beaccurate for up to an hour.R You can adjust the temperature setting ofthe temperature sensor (page 20).Sound sensorThe sensor is triggered when the set soundlevel is exceeded.Note:R The sound sensor does not function whilethe camera unit’s lullaby feature is playing alullaby.R The sound sensor does not function duringand for 5 seconds after pan/tilt operations.R The sound sensor may not function asdesired when the camera unit is placed innoisy environments.R You can adjust the sound level setting ofthe sound sensor (page 27).Information about night vision modeThe camera unit features an array of infraredLEDs that light automatically in low-lightconditions, allowing camera images to beviewable even when the surrounding area isdark.Note:R When night vision mode is active, cameraimages are displayed in black and white.R If the camera unit is installed in front of awindow and points directly at the window,images may be poor when night visionmode is active.For assistance, please visit http://shop.panasonic.com/support 11Getting Started