R Areas subject to extreme temperaturechanges (which can lead to condensation).If condensation occurs, wipe the outersurface of the product with a soft dry cloth.R Near coasts directly subjected to seabreezes, or near sulfuric hot springs(exposure to salt can shorten the life of theproduct)R Near TVs, radios, automated officeequipment such as computers, airconditioners, water heater panels (withintercom), or home security equipment(these may cause noise)R Near satellite broadcasting receivers suchas tuners, TVs with built-in satellite tuners,and recorders (broadcasted images maybe distorted)R Areas where hydrogen sulfide, ammonia,dust, or toxic gases are presentInstalling in the following areas may causefalse detectionsR Areas where people approach directly fromthe front of the camera, such as narrowwalkwaysR Areas where objects such as trees orhanging laundry move due to wind(temperature variation and motion maycause false detections)R Areas affected by breezes from fans, airconditioning unit compressors, waterheaters, or car exhaust (severetemperature variations may cause falsedetections)R Areas subject to severe weather, such asstrong wind (camera shake can causefalse detections) or rain (strong rain maybe detected as an object moving in front ofthe camera)R Areas with reflective objects, such asglass, that can interfere with detection oftemperature variationR Areas where brightness changes easilyR Areas where backlight occurs (facesappear dark and are difficult to identify),such as the following– Areas where most of the background isthe sky– Areas where direct sunlight reflects offa white wall or background– Bright areas such as those exposed todirect sunlight12 For assistance, please visit http://shop.panasonic.com/supportInstallation Location