Home Network SystemintegrationIf you have other devices registered to thehub, such as cameras, sensors, and smartplugs, you can use the handset as anintegrated part of the Home Network System.Specifically, you can use the handset to:– arm and disarm the system’s securityfeatures (page 37).– receive notifications when the sensors aretriggered.– display the status of each sensor(page 38).– turn smart plugs on and off (page 39).Security featuresYou can use the handset to arm and disarmthe system’s security features. If the system’ssensors are triggered when the system isarmed, such as when motion is detected orwhen a door or window is opened:– the handset and hub sound an alert.– the handset displays information about thedetection.– the handset announces the detection.(Talking notification feature; page 38)– the hub LED indicator blinks in red.– the M N button on the handset blinks.Additional features and settings are availablewhen using the Home Network app(page 39).Arming and disarming thesystemThe security system has 3 modes.– “At Home”: Door and window sensors arearmed.*1– “Away”: All sensor devices are armed.*1– “Disarm”: All sensor devices are disarmed.R The hub LED indicator lights in red whenthe security mode is set to “At Home” or“Away”.*1 Default settings. These settings can bechanged when using the Home Networkapp. For more information, refer to theUser’s Guide (page 40).n To arm the system:1 M N2 MbN: Select “At Home” or “Away”. aMSELECTNR If the system is indicating that it hasbeen triggered (such as when the alertis sounding), the mode cannot bechanged to “At Home” and “Away”.3 Enter the password if prompted. a MOKNR If you have not change the PIN fromthe default PIN, the handset willprompt you to change it (page 38).R When you select “Away”, you need topress MOKN to activate the mode. Thehub sounds an alert for 3 minutes; thisgives you time to leave home beforethe sensors can be triggered (Exitdelay time). The sensors will be armedwhen the alert stops.Note:R If the system detects that a window or dooris still open when you arm the securitysystem, the handset will notify you. Closethe window or door and then press MOKN.n To disarm the system:1 MDISARMN2 MbN: “Disarm” a MSELECTN3 Enter the password. a MOKNNote:R By default, after door sensors and motionsensors make a detection, the system givesyou 3 minutes to disarm the system (Entrydelay time). During this time, the entrydelay alert will sound. If you do not disarmthe system in time, the sensors aretriggered and the security alert sounds.Stopping the alertWhen a sensor is triggered, the hub andhandset sound an alert. Use the followingprocedure to stop the alert.1 Press MSTOPN or MOFFN.For assistance, please visit www.panasonic.com/support 37Home Network System Integration