NoteFor more details about hunt pattern assignment, refer to "3.13 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IPGateway—Hunt Pattern" in the PC Programming Manual.4.2.2 Programming the Address Translation TableThe function of an address translation table in a VoIP network is to provide 2-way translation of telephonenumbers and IP addresses*1. Therefore, a caller can reach the destination by dialing the number withoutknowing the destination IP address.The procedure below demonstrates the process of programming the address translation table at the local PBX.After the address translation table at the local PBX has been fully programmed, repeat the procedure for theaddress translation table at the remote PBX with the appropriate setting values.1. a. Under Configuration, click Slot.b. Move the mouse pointer over the small PBX imagefor virtual slots.c. Click Select Shelf.d. If the V-IPGW16 card’s status light is green, movethe mouse pointer over the card, select Ous from themenu that appears, and then click Yes on the dialogbox. The status light will turn red.e. Move the mouse pointer over the installedV-IPGW16 card. A menu will be shown under themouse pointer.f. Click Shelf Property.g. Click GW Settings.2. In the Main tab, do the following to configure thegateway entry for the remote PBX:a. In the GW Name box, type a unique identifier of thedestination in the VoIP network.b. In the GW IP Address box, type the IP address ofthe destination gateway device.c. In the GW Group box, select None.NoteHaving the value None for GW Group meansthat the destination gateway device does notbelong to any gateway group. Grouping is usefulwhen installing multiple gateway devices at onelocation. For details, refer to "3.11 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—GWSettings— GW Group" in the PCProgramming Manual.d. Click OK to return to the Shelf Property screen.*1 IP address-to-telephone number translation can also be handled by using an H.323 Gatekeeper device. To configure Gatekeeperdevices, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation. This manual focuses on the method using the V-IPGW16 card’s internal addresstranslation capabilities.40 IP Networking Guide Document Version 2010-084.2.2 Programming the Address Translation Table