4.3 Programming the MPR Card4.3.1 Assigning the IP Addressing InformationThe IP addressing information for the MPR card can be assigned automatically through a DHCP server orentered manually using the Maintenance Console.Note• It is assumed that you have already installed the Maintenance Console on your PC.• The contents and design of the software are subject to change without notice.• Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.Programming from Quick Setup1. Connect the PC to the PBX with an Ethernet straight cable or RS-232C cross cable.2. Start the Maintenance Console from the Start menu.3. "Information before programming" appears.a. Carefully read this important additional information, which includes updates to this and othermanuals.b. Click OK to close this window.4. a. Enter the Installer Level Programmer Code (default: INSTALLER).b. Click OK.5. Click Connect.6. a. Select your PBX model from PBX Model.b. Select the LAN or RS-232C tab, depending on the type of PC connection with the PBX.c. Specify the settings as required.NoteWhen connecting to the PBX for the first time selecting LAN, the IP Address and PortNumber must be set to and 35300 respectively.d. Enter the system password for installer (default: 1234).e. Click Connect.7. Quick Setup will launch automatically. On the IP addressing information screen, the information for theMPR card can be assigned automatically through a DHCP server or entered manually.NoteIf you change any information on this screen and click Apply, the PBX will need to be reset.When using a DHCP server:a. Select Enable for the DHCP Client setting.b. Click Apply.NoteThe boxes will turn grey and the IP addresses willbe assigned automatically after the PBX is reset.Document Version 2010-08 IP Networking Guide 474.3.1 Assigning the IP Addressing Information