Product StructureACD Report Client (Software)• Makes reports of incoming call information for ICD(Incoming Call Distribution) groups.• Prints out or sends e-mail reports.• Displays the history of incoming call information.• Provides a function to monitor the number of incoming callsand the number of answered calls for ICD groups, Queuesand Agents by ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) monitor.• Displays graphs using the Performance Graphs function.ACD Report Server (Hardware and Software)• Stores the incoming call information data that is displayedby the ACD Report Client.• Transfers the data to the ACD Report Client.Performance GraphsThe number of incoming/outgoingcalls and accumulated call data thatare monitored by the ACD ReportClient can be viewed in graph form.The user can also customize theformat, and select the data forproducing graphs. These per-formance graphs are capableof changing to reflect changesin the ongoing status.Efficient Message ManagementOffers useful voice mail features, such as e-mail notificationwhen a caller leaves a message, the capability to attachvoice messages to e-mail messages and easier operationusing the LCD on Proprietary Telephones. Panasonic deliversnew levels of communication ease and efficiency that canhelp any business be more productive.Advanced Agent ManagementDesigned to bring advanced call center functions to usersof Panasonic PBX systems, the KX-NCV200 provides use-ful functions such as monitoring and performance reports.Oftentimes, the difference between gaining or losing a newcustomer can hinge on a single telephone call. The Panasoniccall center solution makes sure that every telephone call worksin your favor.ACD (Automatic Call Distribution)Monitoring & Reporting FunctionsA clear knowledge of actual operating performance is vitalto optimizing call center management. The Panasonic ACDReport Server lets supervisors monitor parameters, such asthe number of active calls, agent status, queue status andagent/group performance. It also provides a reporting func-tion for the detailed analysis needed to improve call centerperformance.Agent Log-InEach agent is provided a unique code and a password. Anagent uses this code and password when he or she logs into the system. This feature allows supervisors to monitor theagents individually and create reports for each agent insteadof each extension.ACD Report Server to Optimize ManagementThe NCV200 ACD report server brings advancedcall center functions to your Panasonic PBX System,providing you with monitoring and performancereports, call information history, and agent log-in.It’s easy to optimize call center managementwith NCV200’s readable and comprehensiveperformance reports, which can be reproduced inemails or color graphs. The result – increased orga-nizational flexibility and reduced operational costs.