Settings and Printing Maintenance Specifications 37Corrective ActionTrouble Possible CauseReplace the fuser unit(depending on your qualityneeds, you can continue toprint until the dark vertical linesappear).Print 5-10 pages of blankpages to clean the roller.If you still see the problem:BReplace the oil supply roll.If you still see the problem:BReplace the fuser unit.Replace the oil supply roll.The fuser unit is near the endof its useful life.The oil supply roll hasreached the end of its usefullife.The surface of the printedimage appears to have verticalscratches (visible by holdingthe print at an angle andobserving the “shine” of theimage).At first, the scratches appearonly on the printed image;eventually, dark verticalscratches appear on theunprinted portion of the page.Media frequently wraps aroundthe fuser unit.A piece of the printed image ismissing and reappears out ofplace, approximately 129 mm(5″) down the page.The fuser unit’s internal rolleris not being consistently oiled.orThe fuser unit’s internal rolleris contaminated with tonerparticles.TroubleshootingReplace the charge unit.The charge unit is dirty.Light vertical streaks appearin all colors.