Features 3-593 Features TAllows an extension user to override toll restriction temporarily to make a toll call fromanother toll-restricted extension. The user can carry out this feature by entering theirextension password, instead of an account code, before dialing the telephone number. Theuser can make a toll call with their COS number.• The account code “Verify–Toll” mode at another extension permits users to overrideanother extension’s toll restrictions.• If the user does not enter the extension password or enters an invalid password, a regulartoll restriction check is done.• When a user makes a call using this feature, the user’s extension number will bedisplayed on the SMDR.• Users can also override toll restriction of another extension by using the Walking COSfeature.• To override toll restriction in the “Option”, “Forced” or “Verify–All” mode, use theWalking COS feature.• Required System Programming[605] Account Code Entry Mode• Related Feature ReferencesAccount Code Entry, Extension Password/System Password,Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR), Toll Restriction, Walking COSToll Restriction Override by Extension Password!!TRS Override by Extension password is attempted.What is the account code mode?Is the entered password valid?The Toll Restriction COSnumber remains the same asthe extension being used.The Toll Restriction COS numberwill become the password extensionuser's COS number temporarilyThe call is not allowed.A reorder tone isreturned to the user.Is the entered code identifiedwith a stored account code?Option/ForcedYesYes NoVerify –All CallsVerify–TollNo+Flow chart of TRS Override