Features 3-33 Features A• Required System Programming[310] Account Codes[605] Account Code Entry Mode[805] SMDR Account Code Selection• Related Feature ReferencesStation Message Detail Recording (SMDR),Toll Restriction Override by Extension Password• Operating Instructions Reference1.7 Useful Features, “Calling with Account Codes (Account Code Entry)”+Alternate Calling – Ring/Voice (Voice to Ring only)This system offers a proprietary telephone user 2 types of intercom calling, Voice Call modeand Tone (ring) Call mode. “Voice Call” informs the called party of an incoming call withthe calling party’s voice, while “Tone Call” uses a ring tone. A proprietary telephone usercan select “Voice Call” or “Tone Call” in the Proprietary Telephone Settings. If the userselects “Voice Call”, the calling party can talk to the user immediately after the confirmationtone. The calling party can switch the pre-set mode at the called extension, from “VoiceCall” to “Tone Call”, by pressing “ ” after dialing the extension number.• A rotary telephone user cannot change the pre-set mode at the called extension.• Operating Instructions References1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings, “Customizing Your Telephone Functions”,Intercom Alert Assignment1.7 Useful Features, “Alternate Calling – Ring/Voice (Voice to Ring only)”+!!Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-On)When the selected outside (CO) line or dialed extension is busy, the system willautomatically notify an extension user with a callback ringing when the line becomesavailable. When the user answers the callback ringing:For an extension: The called extension starts ringing without dialing.For an outside (CO) line: The line is seized.• Operating Instructions Reference1.3 Making Calls, “Making Your Telephone Ring Back Automatically When a LineBecomes Free (Automatic Callback Busy – Camp-On)”+