d Helpline Tel.No. : U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333YYoouurr GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee DDiissppllaayyNote: The LCD display of the handset can display up to 7 segments and eachcharacter will be displayed as shown in the following table. Some characters willbe displayed in a different way; for example, the character M is displayed n.Thisis not a defect of the handset display, it is simply the representation of thecharacters used in this kind of display. The LCD descriptions listed below aredisplays that do not show the correct letter form or are abbreviated descriptions.The meanings of these displays have been added for your reference.9ni-cdni-nhno itemother optphone norange alarmregister hsringer optringer volreset hsselect bsset alarmset timesetting bssetting hsstandby modetalk modetalk timetime alarmtone optvolNi-CdNi-MHNo ItemOther OptionPhone NumberRange AlarmRegisterHandsetRinger OptionRinger VolumeReset HandsetSelect BaseSet AlarmSet TimeSetting BaseSetting HandsetStandby ModeTalk ModeTalk TimeTime AlarmTone OptionVolumeDisplayMessageDisplayMeaningalarmautoauto talkbattery lowbattery typebs nobs pincall optcall waitingclockdirect nodisplay optedit call noext ringerhs nohs pinhs pin changehot key regint ringerkey tonememory fullnew speednew pinAlarmAutomaticAutomatic TalkBattery LowBattery TypeBase NumberBase Unit PinCall OptionCall WaitingClockDirect NumberDisplay OptionEdit a Call no.External RingerHandset NumberHandset PINChange HandsetPINRegister Hot KeyInternal RingerKey ToneMemory FullNew SpeedNew PINDisplayMessageDisplayMeaning