For Optional Multi-Unit UsersThe handset supplied with the baseunit is already registered. If anoptional handset is purchased, it mustbe registered as follows.! Charge the optional handsetbatteries for 15 hours beforeinitial use.From the Standby mode, ZZVV.ZZSS or UU to select sseettttiinngg hhss(Setting Handset).ZZVV.ZZSS or UU to select:2Operating AdditionalBase UnitsYou can register and operate yourhandset with up to 4 base units. Eachbase unit forms 1 radio cell. If theindividual basesare linked tothe sametele-phonelinethenyou canextendthe oper-atingrange ofthe systemby posi-tioningthebases sothat thetwo radiocells over-lap. If thehandset is set toAUTO base selection,in STANDBY MODEthe handset willautomatically swap tothe second base if therange on the first baseis exceeded.It is not possible to transfer callsbetween bases (only between handsetslinked to the same base unit).NOTE: Calls are disconnectedwhen the handset moves from oneradio cell to another.Registering a Handsetto a Base Unit1 2354Radio CellEg.Additionalhandsets(KX-A120E)registered with2 base units.Additional KX-A120E handsets areavailable to purchase separately. Upto 6 handsets can be registered to asingle base unit. Using additionalhandsets allows you to have anintercom call while simultaneouslyon another handset conducting a callto an outside line.(Registration):ZZVV.(Register Handset):ZZVV.ZZ and hold ÏÏ on the base unitfor 10 seconds. A base registrationtone sounds.! Handset must be registeredwithin 1 minute. If over 1 minuteZZ±± then restart registration.ZZSS or UU to select bbaassee 11--44(base 1-4).ZZVV.Enter base unit PIN (4 digits -factory preset is 0000).ZZVV.When handset and base unitconnect a confirmation tonesounds.If handset registration is notsuccessful within 5 minutes, anerror tone sounds.1345register hsregistrationOperating AdditionalHandsetsHelpline Tel.No. : U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333 17