Base Unit:With the base unit facing you, the antenna is on the right side of the base unit and it should bepositioned pointing upwards. The handset’s charging cradle is on the left side of the base unit. This is1 inch deep depression. For charging, the bottom of the handset is placed in the cradle with thehandset buttons facing up. The handset also can be placed in the cradle by inverted position. The unitbeeps when the handset is set properly in the cradle for charging. The rectangular area immediatelybelow the logo is the Base Unit Speaker. On the lower right of the Base Unit Speaker is the IN USEindicator. To the right of the IN USE indicator is the VOICE MAIL button with VOICE MAILindicator in its middle. Below the IN USE indicator, in the center of the base unit, is the keypad. Thekeypad is laid out in the conventional telephone arrangement with a “nib” on the 5 button. Thekeypad buttons are large, raised ovals. Immediately below the keypad, there are three thin buttons ina horizontal row: from left to right, the first button is the HOLD button with the CHARGE indicatorlight to the right. The HOLD button is also the LOCATOR or INTERCOM button. To the right of theHOLD button, 2 thin buttons are the VOLUME buttons. The right button is to decrease, the leftbutton is to increase the volume during a call. To the right of the keypad are the four buttons in avertical row: the top button is the AUTO button. The AUTO button is also the PROGRAM button.Below is the REDIAL button. The REDIAL button is also the PAUSE button. The third is theFLASH button. The FLASH button is also the CALL WAIT button. The fourth is the MUTE button.The MUTE button is also the RINGER button. Immediately below the MUTE/RINGER button is theSPEAKERPHONE button.