Preparation15Battery strengthYou can confirm the battery strength on thehandset display.Recharging the batteryRecharge the battery when:– “Recharge battery” is displayed or7 flashes on the handset display.– the handset beeps intermittently while itis in use.Note:L Recharge the handset battery for morethan 15 minutes, or the display willcontinue showing the indication.L If the battery has been discharged, thehandset will display “Charge for 6h”and 8 when you place the handseton the base unit.Battery performanceAfter your Panasonic battery is fullycharged, you can expect the followingperformance:*1 Handset is off the base unit but not inuse.Note:L Battery power is consumed wheneverthe handset is off the base unit, evenwhen the handset is not in use. Thelonger you leave the handset off thebase unit, the shorter you can actuallytalk on the handset. Actual batteryperformance depends on a combinationof how often the handset is in use andhow often it is not in use.L Once the battery is fully charged, you donot have to charge it again until“Recharge battery” is displayed or7 flashes. This will maximize thebattery life.Battery icon Battery strength5 Fully charged6 Medium7 LowWhen flashing: needsto be recharged.8 DischargedOperation Operating timeWhile in use(talking)Up to 5 hoursWhile not in use(standby)*1Up to 11 daysWhile using theClarity Boosterfeature (page 24)Up to 3 hoursTG2480C(e).book Page 15 Monday, December 26, 2005 2:49 PM