Useful Information56Important informationNOTICE:This equipment meets the applicableIndustry Canada Terminal EquipmentTechnical Specifications. This isconfirmed by the registration number.The abbreviation, “IC:”, before theregistration number signifies thatregistration was performed based on aDeclaration of Conformity indicating thatIndustry Canada technical specificationswere met. It does not imply that IndustryCanada approved the equipment.And, the term “IC:” signifies that IndustryCanada radio technical specificationswere met.Before installing this equipment, usersshould ensure that it is permissible to beconnected to the facilities of the localtelecommunications company. Theequipment must also be installed usingan acceptable method of connection. Thecustomer should be aware thatcompliance with the above conditionsmay not prevent degradation of service insome situations.Repairs to certified equipment should becoordinated by a representativedesignated by the supplier. Any repairs oralterations made by the user to thisequipment, or equipment malfunctions,may give the telecommunicationscompany cause to request the user todisconnect the equipment.Users should ensure, for their ownprotection, that the electrical groundconnections of the power utility,telephone lines and internal metallicwater pipe system, if present, areconnected together. This precaution maybe particularly important in rural areas.Caution:Users should not attempt to make suchconnections themselves, but shouldcontact the appropriate electricinspection authority, or electrician, asappropriate.NOTICE:The Ringer Equivalence Number(REN) assigned to each terminal deviceprovides an indication of the maximumnumber of terminals allowed to beconnected to a telephone interface. Thetermination on an interface may consistof any combination of devices subjectonly to the requirement that the sum ofthe Ringer Equivalence Numbers of allthe devices does not exceed 5.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)of this unit:(found on the bottom of the unit).NOTICE:Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.Privacy of communications may not beensured when using this telephone.Some cordless telephones operate atfrequencies that may cause interferenceto nearby TVs and VCRs. To minimize orprevent such interference, the base ofthe cordless telephone should not beplaced near, or on top of, a TV or VCR. Ifinterference is experienced, move thecordless telephone further away from theTV or VCR. This will often reduce, oreliminate, interference.TG563XC_565XC(e).book Page 56 Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:43 AM