Caller ID ServiceFor assistance, please visit 293 Press {Edit} repeatedly until the phonenumber is shown in the desired format.1 Local phone number2 Area code – Local phone number3 1 – Area code – Local phonenumber4 {C}Caller ID number auto edit featureOnce you call back an edited number, theunit can automatically edit other incomingphone numbers each time you receive acall.For example, you can use this feature toset the unit to ignore the area code ofcallers in your area code, so that you cancall these local numbers using callerinformation without dialing the area code.To activate this feature, you must edit anitem in the caller list, then call that number.After that, phone numbers from thatcaller’s area code are edited automatically.This feature can be turned on or off (page32).Note:L Phone numbers from the 4 most recentlyedited area codes are automaticallyedited.L If you move to another area, you canturn this feature off to erase previouslyedited area codes. To use this featureagain, turn it on and reprogram the areacodes you want to edit once again.Storing caller information into thephonebook1 Press {^} or {V} to enter the caller list.2 Select the desired item. i {Select}L To edit the number, press {Edit}repeatedly until the phone number isshown in the desired format.3 {Save}L If there is the name information forthe caller, skip to step 5.4 Enter the name (see the charactertable, page 23). i {Next} i {Save}5 {OFF}Erasing selected caller information1 Press {^} or {V} to enter the caller list.2 Select the desired item.3 {Erase} i {Yes} i {OFF}Erasing all caller information1 Press {^} or {V} to enter the caller list.2 {All erase} i {Yes}Example:Example:Example:321-5555555-321-55551-555-321-5555