Multi-unit Operation21Operating additionalunitsAdditional handsetsUp to 6 handsets can be registered tothe base unit.Important:L The additional handset modelrecommended for use with this unit isnoted on page 4. If other modelhandset is used, certain operations(handset settings, base unit settings,etc.) may not be available.L Additional handsets will give you thefreedom to, for example, have anintercom call with another handsetwhile a third handset is on an outsidecall.Registering a handsetto the base unitThe supplied handset and base unit arepre-registered. When you purchase anadditional handset, refer to the additionalhandset’s installation manual forregistration. If for some reason thehandset is not registered to the base unit(for example, w flashes even when thehandset is near the base unit), registerthe handset.1 {j/OK}2 {^}/{V}: “Handset Setup” i{>}3 {^}/{V}: “Registration” i {>}4 {^}/{V}: “Register H.set” i{>}5 Press and hold {x} on the base unitfor about 5 seconds. (No registrationtone)L If all registered handsets startringing, press {x} to stop, thenrepeat this step.L After pressing {x}, the rest of thisprocedure must be completedwithin 90 seconds.6 Wait until “Enter Base PIN” isdisplayed. i Enter the base unitPIN (default: “0000”). i {j/OK}L If you forget your PIN, consultyour nearest Panasonic servicecentre.L When the handset has beenregistered successfully, w willstop flashing. If the key tone isturned on (page 17), aconfirmation tone will be heard.Deregistering a handsetA handset can cancel its ownregistration (or the registration ofanother handset) that is stored in thebase unit. This will allow the base unit to“forget” the handset.1 {j/OK}2 {^}/{V}: “Base Unit Setup” i{>}3 Enter “335”.4 {^}/{V}: “Deregistration” i{>}L The numbers of all handsetsregistered to the base unit aredisplayed.5 Select the handset(s) you want tocancel, by pressing the desiredhandset number. i {j/OK}L The selected handset number(s)will flash.