5 M NEditing entries1 Find the desired entry (page 20). a2 MbN: “Edit” a3 Edit the name if necessary (16 charactersmax.; page 45). a4 Edit the phone number if necessary (24digits max.). a5 MbN: Select the desired category. a2 times a M NErasing entriesErasing an entry1 Find the desired entry (page 20).2 a MbN: “Yes” a aM NErasing all entries1 (left soft key) a2 MbN: “Erase All” a3 MbN: “Yes” a4 MbN: “Yes” a a M NSpeed dialAssigning an entry in the phonebookto a speed dial keyDial keys 1 to 9 can each be used as aspeed dial key, allowing you to dial a numberfrom the phonebook by simply pressing a dialkey.1 Find the desired entry (page 20). a2 MbN: “Speed Dial” a3 MbN: Select the desired dial key number.aR Where a dial key is already being usedfor speed dialling, “ ” is displayednext to the dial key number. If youselect this dial key, you can overwritethe previous assignment.4 a M NMaking a call using a speed dial key1 Press and hold the desired speed dial key(1 to 9).R You can view other speed dialassignments by pressing MCN or MDN.2 M NCancelling a speed dial assignment1 Press and hold the desired speed dial key(1 to 9).a2 MbN: “Yes” a a M NChain dialThis feature allows you to dial phone numbersin the phonebook while you are on a call. Thisfeature can be used, for example, to dial acalling card access number or bank accountPIN that you have stored in the phonebook,without having to dial manually.1 During an outside call, press .2 MbN: “Phonebook” a3 MbN: Select the desired entry.4 Press to dial the number.Note:R When storing a calling card access numberand your PIN in the phonebook as onephonebook entry, press to addpauses after the number and PIN asnecessary (page 16).21Phonebook