Important:R A new message alert is stopped 1 minute afterthe unit starts to call. The unit will not retry thecall even if the call is not answered.Storing a phone number to which the unitmakes an alert callHandsetn From the phonebook:1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN a MADDN3 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN4 MbN: Select the desired phonebook entry.a MSAVEN a MOFFNn By entering a phone number:1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN a MADDN3 MbN: “Manual” a MSELECTN4 Enter the desired name (16 charactersmax.). a MOKN5 Enter the desired number (24 digits max.).a MOKN a MSELECTN a MOFFNBase unitn From the phonebook:1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN a M N3 MbN: Select the desired phonebook entry.a MSAVEN a MEXITNn By entering a phone number:1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN a MEDITN3 Enter the desired name (16 charactersmax.). a MOKN4 Enter the desired number (24 digits max.).a MOKN a MSELECTN a MEXITNTurning on/off the new message alert settingHandset / Base unit1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “On/Off” a MSELECTN3 MbN: Select the desired setting. a MSAVEN4 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MOFFNBase unit: MEXITNEditing the set phone numberHandset1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN3 MMENUN a MbN: “Edit” a MSELECTN4 Edit the name if necessary (16 charactersmax.). a MOKN5 Edit the phone number if necessary (24 digitsmax.). a MOKN a MSELECTN a MOFFNBase unit1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN a MEDITN3 Edit the name if necessary (16 charactersmax.). a MOKN4 Edit the phone number if necessary (24 digitsmax.). a MOKN a MSELECTN a MEXITNErasing the set phone numberHandset1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN3 MMENUN a MbN: “Erase” a MSELECTN4 MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTN a MOFFNR The new message alert setting is turned off.Base unit1 For line 1: MMENUN#3381For line 2: MMENUN#33822 MbN: “Alert to” a MSELECTN a MERASEN3 MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTN a MEXITNR The new message alert setting is turned off.58 For assistance, please visit System for LandlineTG954x_OI(en)_0722_ver210.pdf 58 2015/07/22 12:24:46