1 M N#7202 Select an alarm by pressing 1 to 3. aMOKN3 MbN: Select the desired alarm option. aMOKN“Off”Turns alarm off. Go to step 9.“Once”An alarm sounds once at the set time.“Daily”An alarm sounds daily at the set time.Go to step 5.“Weekly”Alarm sounds weekly at the set time(s).4 Proceed with the operation according toyour selection in step 3.n Once:Enter the desired date and month. aMOKNn Weekly:MbN: Select the desired day of the weekand press M N. a MOKN5 Set the desired time. a MOKN6 Enter a text memo (10 characters max.).a MOKN7 MbN: Select the desired alarm tone. aMOKNR We recommend selecting a differentringer tone from the one used foroutside calls.8 MbN: Select the desired snooze setting.a MOKN9 MOKN a M NNote:R Press M N to stop the alarm completely.R When the handset is in use, the alarm willnot sound until the handset is in standbymode.R Press any dial key, M N, or M N to stopthe sound but keep the snooze functionactivated.R If you want to make an outside call whenthe snooze function is activated, pleasestop the snooze function before making thecall.Do not disturb modeDo not disturb mode allows you to select aperiod of time during which the handset willnot ring for outside calls. This feature is usefulfor time periods when you do not want to bedisturbed, for example, while sleeping. Do notdisturb mode can be set for each handset.Using the phonebook’s category feature(page 20), you can also select categories ofcallers whose calls override do not disturbmode and ring the handset (Caller IDsubscribers only).Important:R Make sure the unit’s date and time settingis correct (page 14).R If you have set the alarm, the alarm soundseven if do not disturb mode is turned on.Turning do not disturb mode on/off1 M N#2382 MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNR If you select “Off”, press M N to exit.3 Enter the desired hour and minute youwish to start this feature. a MOKN4 Enter the desired hour and minute youwish to end this feature. a MOKN aM NChanging the start and end time1 M N#2372 Continue from step 3, “Turning do notdisturb mode on/off”, page 28.Setting the ring delayThis setting allows the handset to ring duringdo not disturb mode if the caller waits longenough. After the selected amount of timepasses, the handset rings. If you select “NoRinging”, the handset never rings during donot disturb mode.28ProgrammingTGE2xxFX(en-en)_0407_ver011.pdf 28 2014/04/07 11:27:49