Recording pictures (basic)30∫ Focusing• The focus range is 50 cm– ¶ (Wide),50 cm– ¶ (Tele).• If you press the shutter button fully withoutprefocusing, pictures may be blurry orunfocused.• When the focus indication is blinking, thesubject is not focused. Press the shutterbutton halfway and focus on the subjectagain.• If the camera will not focus after a fewtries, turn it off and on and try again.• In the following cases, the camera cannotfocus on subjects properly.– When including both near and distantsubjects in a scene.– When there is dirt or dust on the glassbetween the lens and the subject.– When there are illuminated or glitteringobjects around the subject.– When taking a picture in a dark place.– When the subject is moving fast.– When the scene has low contrast.– When jitter occurs.– When recording a very bright subject.We recommend taking pictures using AF/AE lock. In dark places, the AF assistlamp (P65) may turn on to focus on thesubject.Even if the focus indication appears andthe subject is focused, it is cancelledwhen you release the shutter button.Press the shutter button halfway again.∫ Jitter (camera shake)• Be careful of jittering when pressing theshutter button, especially when fullyzoomed into the subject.• When jitter could occur, the jitter alert 1appears.• When the jitter alert appears, werecommend using a tripod. If you cannotuse a tripod, be careful of how you holdthe camera. (P29)∫ Exposure• If you press the shutter button halfwaywhen the exposure is not adequate, theindication of the aperture value and theshutter speed turns red. (However, theaperture value and the shutter speed donot turn red when the flash is activated.)• The brightness of the screen may differfrom that of recorded pictures. Inparticular, when taking pictures in darkplaces with slow shutter speed, thesubject looks dark on the screen, but theactual picture is bright.• When most of the subjects in the screenare bright (e.g. blue sky on a clear day,snowy field, etc.), the recorded picturesmay become dark. In this case,compensate the exposure value on thecamera. (P41)1/8F2.8