4 VQT1Z82-If you see this symbol-Information on Disposal in otherCountries outside the European UnionThis symbol is only valid in theEuropean Union. If you wish to discardthis product, please contact your localauthorities or dealer and ask for thecorrect method of disposal.About the battery packCAUTIONBattery pack (Lithium ion battery pack)• Use the specified unit to recharge thebattery pack.• Do not use the battery pack withequipment other than the specified unit.• Do not get dirt, sand, liquids, or otherforeign matter on the terminals.• Do not touch the plug terminals (+ and) with metal objects.• Do not disassemble, remodel, heat orthrow into fire.If any electrolyte should come intocontact with your hands or clothes, washit off thoroughly with water.If any electrolyte should come intocontact with your eyes, never rub theeyes. Rinse eyes thoroughly with water,and then consult a doctor.• Do not heat or expose to flame.• Do not leave the battery(ies) in anautomobile exposed to direct sunlightfor a long period of time with doors andwindows closed.About the battery chargerCAUTION!DO NOT INSTALL OR PLACE THISUNIT IN A BOOKCASE, BUILT-IN CABINET OR IN ANOTHERCONFINED SPACE. ENSURE THEUNIT IS WELL VENTILATED. TOPREVENT RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD DUETO OVERHEATING, ENSURETHAT CURTAINS AND ANY OTHERMATERIALS DO NOT OBSTRUCT THEVENTILATION VENTS.Battery chargerThis battery charger operates on ACbetween 110 V and 240 V.But• In the U.S.A. and Canada, the batterycharger must be connected to a 120 VAC power supply only.• When connecting to an AC supplyoutside of the U.S.A. or Canada, usea plug adaptor to suit the AC outletconfiguration.This manual provides operating instructions for the DMC-ZS3/DMC-ZS1.The appearance, specifications, and screen display vary depending on the model that is used. Thedescriptions in this manual are primarily based on the DMC-ZS3.Details about functions specific to each model are indicated by symbols added to headings or at theend of descriptions, etc.(Example)Functions available in the DMC-ZS3 only:Functions available in the DMC-ZS1 only: