Others-108-Other Recording1: Auto Focus Function does not work.• Is Manual Focus Mode selected? If Auto FocusMode is selected, focus is automaticallyadjusted. (-79-)• There are some recording subjects andrecording surroundings for which the AutoFocus Function does not operate correctly. Inthis case, use the Manual Focus Mode toadjust the focus. (-109-)Editing1: Audio dubbing cannot be performed.• Is the accidental erasure prevention slider onthe Cassette open? If it is open (set to [SAVE]),recording cannot be performed. (-63-)• Are you attempting to edit a tape portion thatwas recorded in LP Mode? LP Mode does notallow audio dubbing to operate. (-69-)Indications1: The Time Code becomes inaccurate.0 The Time Code Indication counter may not beconstant in the reverse direction in Slow MotionPlayback Mode, but this is not a malfunction.2: The Remaining Tape Time Indication doesnot match the actual remaining tape time.• If scenes of less than 15 seconds arecontinuously recorded, the remaining tape timecannot be displayed correctly.• In some cases, the Remaining Tape TimeIndication may show remaining tape time thatis 2 to 3 minutes shorter than the actualremaining tape time.Playback (Pictures)1: Pictures cannot be played back even whenthe [1] Button is pressed.0 Is the Mode Dial set to Playback Mode? If not,the playback function cannot be used. (-82-)2: Mosaic-pattern noise appears on imagesduring Cue, Review or Slow MotionPlayback.• This phenomenon is characteristic of digitalvideo systems. It is not a malfunction.3: Although the Movie Camera is correctlyconnected to a TV, playback images cannotbe seen.• Have you selected “Video Input” on the TV?Please read the operating instructions of yourTV and select the channel that matches theinput sockets used for the connection.• Depending on your TV, nothing may be showneven if you correctly connect the movie camerawith your TV. In this case, set [AV JACK] onthe [AV IN/OUT] or [INITIAL] Sub-Menu to[OUT].4: Playback picture is not clear.• Are the heads of the Movie Camera dirty? If theheads are dirty, playback image cannot beclear. (-105-)5: Playing back or recording do not function,the screen has frozen or the indication hasdisappeared.• Turn the Movie Camera off. If the MovieCamera is not turned off after operating the[OFF/ON] switch, press the [RESET] Button(-57-, -109-) first. And detach the Battery or ACAdaptor and then reattach it.Playback (Sound)1: Sound is not played back from the built-inspeaker of the Movie Camera or theheadphones.0 Is the volume too low? During playback, pushthe [W/T] Lever to display the [VOLUME]Indication and adjust the volume. (-82-)2: Different sounds are reproduced at thesame time.• [12bit AUDIO] on the [PLAYBACK] Sub-Menuof the [TAPE PLAYBACK MENU] has been setto [MIX]. As a result, the original sound andsound that was recorded by audio dubbing areplayed back together. It is possible toreproduce the sounds separately. (-92-)3: The original sound was erased when audiodubbing was performed.• If you perform audio dubbing on a recordingmade in [16bit] Mode, the original sound will beerased. If you wish to preserve the originalsound, be sure to select [12bit] Mode at thetime of recording.4: Sounds cannot be played back.• Although a Cassette with no audio dubbing isbeing played, is [12bit AUDIO] on the[PLAYBACK] Sub-Menu of the[TAPE PLAYBACK MENU] set to [ST2]? Toplay back a Cassette with no audio dubbing,[12bit AUDIO] must be set to [ST1]. (-92-)• Is the Variable Speed Search Functionworking? Press the [1] Button to cancel theVariable Speed Search Function. (-83-)Card (NV-GS15 only)1: Recorded pictures are not clear.0 Is [PICT QUALITY] on the [CARD] Sub-Menuset to [NORMAL] or [ECONOMY]? If recordingis done with it set to [NORMAL] or[ECONOMY], images with fine details mayinclude a mosaic-like pattern. Set[PICT QUALITY] to [FINE]. (-72-)