Record mode22VQT0T85≥For the number of still pictures to be recordedon a card, refer to -59-.≥The sound cannot be recorded.≥While data are recorded on a card, do notoperate the mode dial.≥When the access lamp is lit, do not insert orremove a card.≥Another product may degrade or not play backdata recorded on this camera.≥If set [PICT. QUALITY] >> [ ], mosaic-patternnoise may appear on a playback imagedepending on the picture content.≥When the [PICTURE SIZE] is set to other than[640], the mega pixel recording mode is set.≥When the picture size setting is other than [640],the scene around the subject can be recordedwider than that in [640].ª On-screen display in the cardrecording mode1) Still picture size2) Number of recordable still pictures(When no pictures can be recorded, the redlight will flash.)3) Quality of still picturesª Progressive PhotoshotYou can record still pictures with higher picturequality and frames. (You cannot switch theprogressive function off/on.)≥In the tape recording mode, the progressivefunction may be disabled depending on theother functions used. (-48-)ª Select the size of still pictures to berecorded on a card1 Set [BASIC] >> [PICTURE SIZE] >> selectthe desired picture size.[1760]: 1760k1320[1280]: 1280k960[640]: 640k480ª Select the picture quality forphotoshot images1 Set [BASIC] >> [PICT. QUALITY] >> selectthe desired picture quality.[ ]: High picture quality[ ]: Normal picture quality≥You can also change the picture quality on[ADVANCE] >> [PICT. QUALITY] in the taperecording mode.ª Recording with a shutter operationeffectYou can add a shutter operation simulatingsound.1 Set [ADVANCE] >> [SHTR EFFECT] >> [ON].ª About the shutter chance mark≥The shutter chance mark does not appear inmanual focus mode.≥When the subject is not easily focused, focus onthe subject manually.≥You can record still pictures on the card even ifthe shutter chance mark does not appear, butpictures may be recorded without beingfocused.≥The shutter chance mark does not appear orbecomes difficult to be displayed in the followingcases.≥When the zoom magnification is high.≥When the movie camera is shaken.≥When the subject is moving.≥When the subject stands against the lightsource.≥When close subjects and far subjects areincluded in the same scene.≥When the scene is dark.≥When there is a bright part in the scene.≥When the scene is filled with only horizontallines.≥When the scene lacks contrast.ª Concerning the focusing area≥When there is a contrasting object ahead orbehind the subject in the focus area, the subjectmay not be focused. If so, move the contrastingobject out of the focus area.1)2)3)