-14-ENGLISH20 Reverse Search Button [sSEARCH] (l 56)Rewind/Review/High-Speed Rewind Button [6](l 60, 64, 66)Recording Check Button [S] (l 56)21 Stop Button [∫] (l 60)22 Forward Search Button [SEARCHr] (l 56)Fast Forward/Cue Button [5] (l 66)23 White Balance Button [W.B] (l 90)Pause Button [;] (l 66)24 Playback Button [1] (l 60)Backlight Button [BLC] (l 56)25 LCD Monitor Open Lever [3OPEN] (l 26)(NV-VZ9/VZ10 only)26 LCD Monitor (l 26, 38, 68) (NV-VZ9/VZ10 only)Due to limitations in LCD production technology, theremay be some tiny bright or dark spots on the LCDMonitor screen. However, this is not a malfunction anddoes not affect the recorded picture.27 Cassette Compartment Lock Button [LOCK] (l 40)28 DC Input Socket [DC IN] (l 18)29 Finder (l 44, 68)Due to limitations in LCD production technology, theremay be some tiny bright or dark spots on the Finderscreen, the whole screen may have a slight colourcast, and flickering may occur. However, this is not amalfunction and does not affect the recorded picture.30 Cover of the Button-type Battery’s Compartment[BACKUP BATTERY] (l 46)31 Battery Holder (l 20)32 Battery Eject Lever [2BATTERY EJECT] (l 20)2725 26 28303132292021222423s SEARCH SEARCH rBLC;W.B∫ 16 5SOM !"xpb^o`ezl RS L ! L !"x6zl SMSQSS !"xSzl RSON x∫zl SMOO !"xpb^o`ezl RS L !"x5zl SSOP !"xtK_zl VM x;zl SSOQ x1zl SM x_i`zl RSOR !"#$%&'x3lmbkzl OS ! ksJswVLswNMOS !"#$l OSPUSU ! ksJswVLswNM !"#$%&'()* !+,-./0123 !"#$%&'()'*+,-./012-3 !"#$%&'()OT !"#$xil`hzl QMOU !"#xa`=fkzl NUOV !"l QQSU !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345 !"#$%&'%()*+,-./01#2 !"#$"%&'()*+,-./012 !"#$%PM !"#!"$%x_^`hrm=_^qqbovzl QSPN !l OMPO !"x2 _^qqbov=bgb`qzl OM