Error Code Error Content Additional error explanationF632 CPPM KEY DET is not available Been revoked or falsifiedF103 Illegal highlight Position Big possibility of disc specification violationhighlight displayF700 MBX overflow When replying message to disc managerF701 Message command does not end Next message is sent before replying to discmanagerF702 Message command changes Message is changed before it is sent as a replydisc managerF880 Task number is not appropriate Message coming from a non-existing taskF890 Sending message when message isbeing sent to AV taskSending message to AV taskF891 Message couldn’t be sent to AV task Begin sending message to AV taskF893 FROM falsificationF894 EEPROM abnormalityF895 Language area abnormality Firm version agreement check for factory presetsetting failure preventionF896 No existence model Firm version agreement check for factory presetsetting failurepreventionF897 Initialize is not completed Initialize completion check for factory presetfailure preventionF8A0 Message command is not appropriate Begin sending message to AV taskNote:An error code will be canceled if a power supply is turned OFF.*1: CPPM is the copy guard function beforehand written in the diskfor protection of copyrights.9.3. LAST ERROR CODE SAVED DURING NO PLAY31PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version