Favorite Channel Select (cont.)7. Enter the channel number to be added or deleted fromFavorite Channel Memory (using the Remote Keyboardor _ ort'_').8. Press _ to add or press e_ to delete channel(s) fromFavorite Channel Memory.9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to continue adding or deletingchannels (up to 15 channels may be stored in FavoriteChannel Memory).10. When desired channels have been programmed, press(_ twice to return to selected program.11. Press Z_ or_ 7 to scan through the Favorite Channelsthat are programmed.Channel Caption FeaturesPreset CaptionSelect from 56 preset captions, and assign correspondingchannel numbers utilized in the user's area. Captions areeasily assigned to the channel numbers the viewer selectsby following the simple steps outlined below. The channelnumber will then display, along with preset captions whenchanging channels or pressing the Recall button.1. Press _).2. Press _ or_? and _ or _ to highlight the ChannelCaption Icon.3. Press _) to display the Channel Caption Menu..5._ii!i!i;,i_iiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii!iiiiiili_Press z_ or_ ? to highlight PRESET CAPTION.Press _ or _ to display the Preset Caption Menu..7,.Press Z_ or_} 2 to highligl-t the desired Preset ChannelCaption.Use the RE;mote Control keyboard to assign the channelnumber to the Channel Caption in the user's area (Referto the local TV guide).Note: To delete an assigned channel number fromchannel caption, press _ while the assignedchannel number is highlighted.Press _ to select a different Preset Channel Caption,then repeat steps 6 and 7 until all desired PresetChannel Captions have an assign channel number.9. Press_ three times to exit menus.Manual CaptionEnabling the user to enter up to 30 station identifiers intomemory (each station idertif er can contain up to four (4)characters). -[he station icJentifier will then display, alongwith the channel number when changing channels orpressing _'..2.Channel Caption(Station Identifier)J..._I_._. KXYZ CH 3Press _.Press _, or_ ? and _ ,::)r_:_ to highlight the ChannelCaption Icon.Press _ to display the Channel Caption Menu.