31Special FeaturesMotionSensor may mistakenly startwhen:• background is plain, like a white wall,or has distinct vertical, horizontal, orslanted stripes, like a venetian blind.• brightness suddenly changes.MotionSensor may not start when:• motion is very slow or fast.• moving object is very small.• motion occurs only in 1 corner ofviewing area.• in poor lighting (in this case,MOTIONSENSOR flashes).• background is plain, like a white wall,or has distinct horizontal or verticalstripes.MotionSensorBefore you begin...• Connect Camcorder to power source.Use AC Adaptor for longer recordings.• Insert cassette with record tab (page 12).• Set POWER to CAMERA.• Securely position and aim Camcorder.1 Press MENU forMENU mode. PressUP or DOWN to selectDIGITAL EFFECTS .2 Press M.FOCUS forDIGITAL EFFECTSmenu.Press UP or DOWN toselectMOTIONSENSOR .3 Press M.FOCUS to select ON.4 Press MENU twice for MotionSensorstand-by mode. (If cassette is notinserted, “ ” will flash.)• Recording will start about 3 secondsafter motion is detected.• Date and time are recorded if displayedin EVF or LCD monitor (page 16).• Recording stops about 30 seconds aftermotion ceases.To cancel MotionSensor Mode, set POWERto OFF.Note:• MotionSensor recording starts if Camcorderis bumped or repositioned.• This feature is not available during normalrecording.• While in MotionSensor stand-by, thefollowing functions are not available: Record/Pause, Stand-by mode, Digital E.I.S., VideoEffects (Auto/Digital Fade).Recording starts automatically if motionis detected.1, 2, 3, 4