Projector Mode• Tools cannot be modified in the [Compact Display] view.• During PowerPoint Slide Show, the [Standard Display] and [Marker Display] views show (Next) and(Previous) buttons.Using the Saved Drawings with SlidesWhen (PowerPoint Slide Show) is clicked, if there is a drawing data file in the same folder as thePowerPoint file or in the folder set in "Options" (page 32) with the same name as the PowerPoint file, adialog box will be displayed to confirm whether to use the file. If the file is chosen for use, the data will beloaded and displayed with the slides.Saving the Drawing Data for SlidesAfter the Desktop Drawing Tool has stopped, a dialog box will be displayed to confirm whether to save as afile the handwritten data that was drawn on slides with markers or erased from slides with erasers. If thehandwritten data is saved through this dialog box, it will be named with the same name as the PowerPointfile (with the file extention ".ips"). By default, it will be saved to the same folder as the PowerPoint file. If thefile cannot be saved to this folder, it will be saved to the folder set in "Options" as explained on page 32.• Switching the Desktop Drawing Tool DisplayThe Desktop Drawing Tool can be displayed in three sizes.[Standard Display]Shows all buttons.[Marker Display]Shows only the buttons used for drawing and erasing handwrittenlines. Does not show the buttons for saving image files or recordingIPB documents.[Compact Display]Use the Compact Display when the Desktop Drawing Tool coversup too much of the image behind it. It keeps the part that is hiddento a minimum.Swithing among the [Standard Display], [Marker Display] and[Compact Display] views can be done by clicking the(Shrinking) or (Expansion) buttons.46• The drawing data is saved in a proprietary format as a drawing data file with the file extension ".ips".Remark:Remark:• If a drawing data file that was saved is no longer needed, delete it using Windows Explorer or a similarmeans.Remark:Standard Display Marker DisplayCompact Display