20■ TroubleshootingIf your air conditioner does not work properly, first check the following points before requesting service.If it still does not work properly, contact your dealer or a service center.● Indoor unitSymptom CauseNoiseSound like streaming water duringoperation or after operation● Sound of refrigerant liquid flowing inside unit● Sound of drainage water through drain pipeCracking noise during operation orwhen operation stops. Cracking sound due to temperature changes of partsOdor Discharged air is smelled duringoperation.Indoor odor components, cigarette odor and cosmetic odor accumurated inthe air conditioner and its air is discharged.Unit inside is dusty. Consult your dealer.Dewdrop Dewdrop gets accumurated near airdischarge during operation Indoor moisture is cooled by cool wind and accumulated by dewdrop.FogFog occurs during operation in coolingmode.(Places where large amounts of oilmist exist at restaurants.)● Cleaning is necessary because unit inside (heat exchanger) is dirty.Consult your dealer as technical engineering is required.● During defrost operationFan is rotating for a while even though operation stops.● Fan rotating makes operation smoothly.● Fan may sometimes rotates because of drying heat exchanger due tosettings.Wind-direction changes while operating.Wind-direction setting cannot be made.Wind-direction cannot be changed.● When air discharge temperature is low or during defrost operation,horizontal wind flow is made automatically.● When long-hour operation is made with fixed wind-direction, wind-direction is controlled automatically and flap position is occasionallychanged.● Flap position is occasionally set up individually. During fan rotating,selectable fixed wind-direction is changed to 4 positions. Althoughremote control display is selectable 5-position, wind-direction of 3rd and4th positions from horizontal wind flow is equally functioned.(Y2 type only).When wind-direction is changed, flap operates severaltimes and stops at designated position.When wind-direction is changed, flap operates after searching for standardposition.Dust Dust accumulation inside indoor unit is discharged.● Outdoor unitSymptom CauseNo operationWhen power is turned ON instantly. Operation is not activated for the first approx. 3 minutes becausecompressor protection circuit is activated.When operation is stopped andresumed immediately.Noise Noise often occurs in heating mode. During defrost operationSteam Steam often occurs in heating mode.When stopped by remote controller, outdoor unit fan issometimes operating for a while even though outdoorcompressor is stopped.Fan rotating makes operation smoothly.