7.23. Replacement of RegulatorDiode (D5801)•••• Follow (Step 1) to (Step 3) of Item 7.3.•••• Follow (Step 1) to (Step 7) of Item 7.14.•••• Follow (Step 1) to (Step 6) of Item 7.20.Step 1 Desolder pins of the regulator diode (D5801) on thereverse side of SMPS P.C.B.Step 2 Remove 1 screw from the regulator diode (D5801).Step 3 Remove the regulator diode (D5801) from the heatsinkunit C.Caution: Handle the heatsink unit C with caution due to itshigh temperature after prolonged use. Touching it maylead to injuries.Note: Refer to the diagrams of SMPS P.C.B. (Item 8.5) forlocation of the part.7.23.1. Assembly of Regulator Diode(D5801)Step 1 Apply grease to the heatsink unit C.Step 2 Fix and screw the regulator diode (D5801) to theheatsink unit C.Special Note: Ensure the regulator diode (D5801) is tightlyscrewed to the heatsink unit C.Step 3 Solder pins of the regulator diode (D5801) on thereverse side of SMPS P.C.B.Special Note: Ensure pins of the regulator diode (D5801) areproperly seated and soldered on SMPS P.C.B.7.24. Replacement of RegulatorDiode (D5802)•••• Follow (Step 1) to (Step 3) of Item 7.3.•••• Follow (Step 1) to (Step 7) of Item 7.14.•••• Follow (Step 1) to (Step 6) of Item 7.20.Step 1 Desolder pins of the regulator diode (D5802) on thereverse side of SMPS P.C.B.Step 2 Remove 1 screw from the regulator diode (D5802).33SA-PT465EE