13 TQBJ2251LED indicatorsThe indicators show the condition of this system. The indicator patterns illustrated below are shown during normaloperational conditions. They do not refer to the indications of a problem.Indicators DescriptionD.BASS CHARGE USB AUX The indicator blinks 5 times.• When the auto power down setting is off (~10).The indicator blinks 2 times.• When maximum or minimum volume is reached.• When the auto power down setting is on (~10).D.BASS CHARGE USB AUX The indicator lights up.• Charging device (~9).The indicator blinks.• Error detected (~11).D.BASS CHARGE USB AUX The indicator blinks.• You are connecting a USB device and the system is reading the files(~7).The indicator blinks slowly.• The USB device is not connected.• The format of the USB device or the contents in it are not compatible withthe system. (~7).The indicator blinks quickly.• The USB device is drawing too much power. Disconnect the USB device.• Check the connection, it may be caused by a faulty USB cable.The indicator lights up.• The USB device is connected (~7).D.BASS CHARGE USB AUX The indicator blinks 2 times.• When input level is set to high (~10).The indicator blinks 5 times.• When input level is set to normal (~10).D.BASS CHARGE USB AUX The indicator blinks quickly.• When the unit is ready for pairing (~7).The indicator blinks slowly.• When the unit is waiting to connect (~7).The indicator lights up.• When the unit is connected to a Bluetooth® device (~7).D.BASS CHARGE USB AUX The indicators blink until the system restarts.• When the unit is reset (~12).D.BASS CHARGE USB AUXorD.BASS CHARGE USB AUXorD.BASS CHARGE USB AUXThe indicators blink before the system is switched off (at one secondintervals).• When the auto power down setting is set to on. (~10).