USª Constructing a Folder when theMemory Card is used with a PC(l 65)≥[DCIM], [SD_VIDEO] etc. are necessaryitems in the folder structure. They havenothing to do with actual operations.≥The memory capacity indicated on the SDMemory Card label corresponds to thetotal amount of the capacity to protect andmanage the copyright and of the capacityavailable as a conventional memory for aSD Video Camera, Personal Computer orothers.≥Do not delete any folders located on theMemory Card. If this is done, the MemoryCard may not be recognized on your SDVideo Camera.≥The MPEG4 motion image file (ASFformat) can be played on the WindowsMedia Player 6.4 or later. If it cannot beplayed back, download the appropriatesoftware (G.726). (G.726 is installed at thesame time as the supplied software,MediaStage for AV100.)≥When formatting a Memory Card, format iton the SD Video Camera.≥When a motion image is played back on apersonal computer, a black belt may bepresent along the top and bottom of thepicture.≥If data not supported by the SD VideoCamera is recorded on a personalcomputer, it cannot be recognized by theSD Video Camera._ÉÑçêÉ=oÉèìÉëíáåÖ=pÉêîáÅÉPower1: The SD Video Camera power cannotbe turned on.1-1: Is the power source connectedcorrectly?1-2: Is the Battery fully charged? Charge itwith the AC Adaptor.2: The SD Video Camera power shutsoff automatically.2: If you do not use the SD Video Camerafor more than 5 minutes, the powershuts off automatically to save theBattery power.3: The SD Video Camera power doesnot stay on long enough.3: Is the Battery low? Charge the Batteryor attach a fully charged Battery.Battery1: Battery runs down quickly.1-1: Is the Battery fully charged? Charge itwith the AC Adaptor.1-2: Are you using the Battery in anextremely cold place? In cold places,the operating time of the Batterybecomes shorter.1-3: Has the Battery worn out? If theoperating time is still short even afterthe Battery is fully charged, the Batteryhas worn out.Recording1: Recording does not start althoughpower is supplied to the SD VideoCamera and the Memory Card iscorrectly inserted.1-1: Is the SD Video Camera turned on?1-2: Is the write-protect switch set to[LOCK]? Being set to [LOCK], theMemory Card cannot be recorded.1-3: Does the Memory Card have enoughfree space? Check the [Capacity] of acard, and when there is little free spaceavailable, delete unnecessary data inthe Memory Card. (l 51)