18RQT8640≥ Do not connect this unit tothe PC until Voice Editinghas finished installing.1. Turn on the PC and startWindows.2. Insert the includedCD-ROM into the CD-ROMdrive.≥ The installer program startsautomatically. If it does notstart, refer to “If the installerprogram does not startautomatically”.3. Click [Voice Editing Ver.1.0LE].≥ A language selection screenis displayed for selecting theinstallation language. Selecta language and click [OK].4. Click [Next].5. Click [Yes].6. Select the installdestination and then click[Next].7. Select the program folderand then click [Next].8. Click [Finish].≥ Choose [Yes, I want to restartmy computer now.]. The PCautomatically restarts. Theinstallation is now finished.Double click on theVoice Editing icon onthe desktop.≥ You can also start VoiceEditing using the Windows[start] menu.From the Windows [start]menu, select [All Programs]#[Panasonic] #[Voice Editing]#[Voice Editing].∫ About the PDFoperating instructionsfor Voice EditingThe operating instructions forVoice Editing are installed alongwith the application as a PDFfile.≥ You will need Adobe AcrobatReader to read the filecontaining the operatinginstructions (PDF file).Read the operatinginstructions (PDF file)From the Windows [start] menu,select[All Programs]#[Panasonic] #[Voice Editing]>[Voice Editing OperatingInstructions].≥ Refer to P17 if the file containingthe operating instructions doesnot open.Starting VoiceEditingonlySV-SD370VSV-SD570V