36RQT8640∫ About file namesThe “xxx” in a [ VOICExxx ]([ TUNERxxx ]) file name is therecording counter. It increasesby 1 from [001] to [300] eachtime a recording is made. Even ifyou erase selected files, therecording counter of the next filerecorded is 1 more than the lastfile recorded and you cannotrecord any more files when thecounter number reaches [300].In this case, erase unwantedfiles and then select[RENUMBER] to renumber therecording counter of all therecorded files.≥ The recorded sound isautomatically set in [VOICEREC] mode. You cannot adjustthe volume while recording.≥ Recorded files are saved withthe file name “VOICExxx”.≥ You can record files from[VOICE001] to [VOICE300].∫ About Recording (FMrecording and Voicerecording)≥ This unit does not have a clockfunction so the recording date andtime of files recorded on this unitis shown as [2006/01/01/00:00] onVoice Editing. The recording dateand time can be changed onVoice Editing, however the fileformat must be converted from aWAVE file to a VM1 file. Fordetails, refer to the PDF operatinginstructions for Voice Editing.≥ One file can be recordedcontinuously for up toapproximately 12 hours.(Recording stops automaticallyabout 12 hours after it starts.)≥ When the remaining memorybecomes less than 10 minuteswhile recording, the statusindicator starts flashing morerapidly.≥ Recorded files are monaural.