No. Contents00 The data on the disk that you areusing is for a different product.01An error has occurred while the diskwas loading.Please try again!02 There is no disk in the Disk Drive.03 The file that you tried to load is empty.05An error has occurred while the diskwas saving.Please try again!06The disk that you are using is writeprotected.Please remove the write protectionand try again.07 The disk that you are using is full.Please use another disk.08An error has occurred while the diskwas formatting. The disk that you areusing may be faulty.Please try formatting another disk.10 The data is already copy protected.15 The song you are trying to save isempty.16This STANDARD MIDI FILE is incom-patible with this instrument and cannotbe loaded.17 This is not a STANDARD MIDI FILE.18The timebase (PPQ resolution) thatyou tried to load is not24/48/96/192/288/384 PPQ.20A problem has occurred with yourSEQUENCER Data.This might be due to a damaged orfaulty disk.21 Memory full22 It is necessary to press REC STOP tocomplete this procedure.23It is impossible to change the time sig-nature because it has already beenset in the existing tracks.24A rhythm track already exists. It isimpossible to assign two tracks torhythm.25 It is only possible to change the veloc-ity on a melody track.26It is only possible to merge melodytracks.Tracks such as rhythm, chord andcontrol cannot be merged.27It is only possible to copy melodytracks.Tracks such as rhythm, chord andcontrol cannot be copied.28 This song is too long to be saved as aMIDI file.29The MIDI file that you have tried toload exceeds the memory capacity ofthis instrument and cannot be played.The SEQUENCER memory has beencleared.30It is not possible to change the timesignature of a COMPOSER patternafter it has been recorded.If you want to proceed, you must firstclear the entire COMPOSER pattern.31The time signature of the pattern fromwhich you are copying is different fromthe COMPOSER memory that you areusing.Either: Change the time signature ofthe COMPOSER memoryor: Copy from a pattern that hasthe same time signature32 Memory full33 Select a Track before setting parame-ters for AUTO PUNCH RECORD.43The file that you are trying to load wassaved on a previous KN keyboard. It isonly possible to load using the “PER-FORMANCE” option.44It is impossible to edit a Drum Kit.Please select a different sound fromany group except Keyboard Percus-sion.46It is only possible to insert MELODYTracks. Tracks such as RHYTHM,CHORD and CONTROL cannot beinserted.47This procedure is not possible with acomposer pattern or the metronome.Please select a preset rhythm pattern.54It is not possible to record using presetbanks, compile banks, or controlbanks. Please select one of the userbanks.55Special tracks such as CHORD(APC), RHY and CTL exist in the songfrom which you are copying and areincompatible with the destination songbecause it is in the GM mode.No. Contents