Oscilloscope VP-5730A”. Therefore the waveforms of musicaltone signals shown may differ somewhat due to the difference inthe timing of triggering.2. Since the 1/10 test probe is used, the indicated voltage value onthe bottom part of each waveform illustration is 1/10 of the actualvalue (e.g. 0.2 V/cm should be 2.0 V/cm).3. To measure the waveforms, first set this unit to the servicediagnostic mode (refer to “ WAVE ROM test ”). The WAVE ROMoutput will then be output as a sine wave to facilitatetheservicingcheck.9.2. Important safety notice- Components identified by a mark have special characteristicsimpotant for safety.- When replacing any of these components, use only manufacture’sspecified parts.9.3. Symbolic MarksThe symbolic marks for resistors and capacitors which used in this circuits are classified asfollowing Table-1 and Table-2 .9.3.1. RESISTORS- Resistors without symbolic mark are FIXED CARBON FILMRESISTORS (ERD-type).- All resistors are 1/4 WATT, ±5 % TOLERANCE unless otherwisedesignated in schematic diagrams.Table-120