15Connecting a Cable Box,Satellite Receiver, A/VReceiver, and VCR to theHard Disk Recorder1. Connect an RF cable from the OUT jack on yourcable box to the ANT/CATV IN jack on the HardDisk Recorder.2. Connect an A/V cable from the AUDIO/VIDEOOUT jacks on your satellite receiver to theINPUT jacks on the Hard Disk Recorder,matching like colors.3. Connect an A/V cable from the OUTPUT jackson the Hard Disk Recorder to the AUDIO/VIDEOIN jacks on your VCR, matching like colors.4. Connect a second A/V cable from the OUTPUTjacks on the Hard Disk Recorder to the AUDIO/VIDEO IN jacks on your A/V receiver, matchinglike colors.5. Connect the Audio cable from the AUDIO OUTjacks on your A/V receiver to the speakers.Then, connect the Video cable from theMONITOR OUT jack on your A/V receiver to theVIDEO IN jack on your television. (Note: If youdo not have separate speakers, see step 4 onpage 12.)6. Connect an A/V cable from the AUDIO VIDEOOUT jacks on your VCR to the AUDIO/VIDEO INjacks on your A/V receiver, matching like colors.7. Attach your cable box and satellite receivercontrollers. See “Satellite Receiver and CableBox Controllers” on page 10.8. Follow the C~E instructions on page 9 fortelephone connection, AC power connection,and setup.• Refer to your TV, cable box, satellite receiver, A/Vreceiver, or VCR owner’s manual for more informationon connecting to these components.NOTEIN OUTAUDIO VIDEOR LVHF/UHFINAUDIOINPUT OUTPUTANT/CATVVIDEOS-VIDEOR L AUDIO VIDEOR LINS-VIDEOOUTIN TEL LINEAC-INSERIALCONTROLIRBLASTERPORTS-VIDEOAUDIO1VCR1VCR2DSSCDDVDAUX1LINE IN SPEAKER OUTMONITOR OUTAUDIOAUDIO VIDEOR LINOUTINOUTS-VIDEOAUDIO VIDEOR LINSERIALVHF/UHF INVHF/UHF OUTLINE12TVHard Disk RecorderVCRSatellite ReceiverCable BoxA/V ReceiverOR