47Network Setup @ Q &'> KNetwork SetupDIGITAL LINK mode AutoLAN SetupDIGITAL LINK statusDigital Interface BoxControl I/F SelectRS-232C (Serial)Display NameLF6-001/2 Network SetupAMX D.D.OffOffOffCrestron Connected™Extron XTP2/2Press2/2SetupMULTI DISPLAY SetupSet up TimerPRESENT TIME SetupNetwork SetupMenu Display Duration 15 SMenu Transparency 20 @J@:= =@$ You can switch the communication method of DIGITALK Auto: The communication method is automaticallyselected. HDMI/LAN/RS232C communication canbe used. Ethernet connection can be made. @J@:= =@$: HDMI/LAN/RS232Ccommunication can be used via a twisted paircable transmitter. Ethernet: LAN communication can be used via theLAN terminal of the Display.Note:+ When “Ethernet” is selected, set the “Control I/FSelect” to “LAN”. Control I/F Select RS-232C (Serial): Control using the Display’sRS232C. LAN: Control using the Display or the LAN terminalof a twisted pair cable transmitter. * xqqQ @J@:= =@$": Control using thetwisted pair cable transmitter’s RS-232C.Notes:+ ! #$=??%* : power lamp lights orange when the remote controlpower is switched “Off” (standby).+ When controlling using the RS232C command frompage 17 to the RS232C terminal of the Display, #$=??%* > RS232C terminal of the “RS-232C (Serial)” or DIGITAL @ K+ When using any of the control techniques listed onpages 56 to 61, select “LAN”. Display NameThe name of the Display that is shown on the networkcan be changed. LAN SetupSee page 48 @J@:= =@$ See page 49 @X See page 49 :K !!This function allows the Display to be detected by AMXDevice Discovery. For more details, visit the followingwebsite. &&&K K Crestron Connected™When this function is set to on, the Display can bemonitored or controlled via the network using equipmentand application software of Crestron Electronics, Inc.This Display supports the following application softwarefrom Crestron Electronics, Inc.+ RoomView ® + Fusion RV ®+ RoomView ® Server Edition[Crestron Connected™] is a function to connect to asystem developed by Crestron Electronics, Inc. whichmanages and controls multiple system devices connectedto the network.+ For details of “Crestron Connected™”, refer to theCrestron Electronics, Inc. website (Provided only inEnglish).http://www.crestron.com/For the download of “RoomView ® : > the Crestron Electronics, Inc. website (Provided onlyin English).http://www.crestron.com/getroomview ; K<To carry out connection settings with XTP Transmitter Z K >& & > K &&&K K