TX-29AD1D TX-25AD1D10Alignment Settings (The figures used below are nominal and used for representative purposes only)Alignment Function TX-29AD1D TX-25AD1D Settings / Special features1. Vertical amplitude V-AMP051V-AMP063Optimum setting2. Vertical symmetry V-SYM013V-SYM002Optimum setting3. Vertical linearity V-LIN012V-LIN-020Optimum setting4. Vert. DC. Vert. D.C.000Vert. D.C.000Optimum setting5. V-Pos. V. Pos003V. Pos005Optimum setting6. Horizontal amplitude H-AMP-033H-AMP-044Optimum setting7. Horizontal position H-POS049H-POS069Optimum setting8. Text Position TEXT POSITION045TEXT POSITION049Optimum setting9. EW-amplitude E-W AMP1-058E-W AMP1-058Optimum setting10. EW-amplitude E-W AMP2023E-W AMP2044Optimum setting11. Trapezium-comp TRAPEZ-1-014TRAPEZ-1-000Optimum setting12. Trapezium- comp TRAPEZ-2012TRAPEZ-2-009Optimum setting13. Colour VCO COLOUR VCO015COLOUR VCO006Optimum setting14. Cut-off DC CUT-OFF DC050CUT-OFF DC050Not to be adjusted.15. Ug2 Test Ug2 Test107 021 023Ug2 Test94 044 020To adjust the screen settings.Turn P3362 until a colourreaches 25"5, place anoscilloscope probe on thecathode with the highest outputand adjust P3368 so theoscilloscope trace reads150V 0-peak (160V 0-peak TX -25AD1D), then turn P3362 up sothe highest numbered box on theTV screen reads 050 " 010.16. Cutoff Cutoff045 055 050Cutoff057 064 056Press the GREEN button to stepthrough the settings.Adjust for optimum.17. White White224 255 237White200 255 248Press the GREEN button to stepthrough the settings.Adjust for optimum.