37Technical InformationThe network connection may be severed when entering the ECO mode and sus-pend (hibernation) mode. Be sure to disable the [Suspend/Hibernation Timeout]settings with the Setup Utility if you require a network environment. The computerwill not operate properly. If this occurs, restart the computer.When the power saving function is running, communications software may mal-function. For example, communications may be halted if the suspend (hibernation)mode is activated. The computer must be restarted if one of these modes is en-tered during data communications.Be sure that the computer enters the ECO mode or suspend (hibernation) modeafter the communications software is closed.NetworkWhen Adding New Software or Hardware ComponentsSome of the contents of Service Pack 5 (installed at the time of purchase) may beoverwritten. Therefore, after adding a new software or hardware component, be sureto install (update) Service Pack 5. (See the [Readme.txt] file of Microsoft WindowsNT® Service Pack 5.)At times you may be prompted to copy Windows NT ® files. Input [c:\winnt\i386] asthe copy source and select [OK]. After the re-installation procedure, insert the Win-dows NT ® Workstation CD.Windows NT ® Security FunctionWindows NT® has a security function that differs from the security function of the SetupUtility. For detailed information, refer to the Windows NT ® book in the Windows NT ®System Pack.Set the password for secrecy and protection.Only an account for the Administrator is created the first time the computer isstarted. Create accounts for person who are actually going to use a computer.We recommend using an NTFS file system in order to use the Windows NT ®security function.NOTEIn [Start]-[Run], input [c:\sp5\sp5i386.exe], then press [OK]. Follow the on-screeninstructions.CAUTIONAfter reinstalling, use the Service Pack 5 CD-ROM.